The eyes are the window
to the soulbrain
As the aging population grows rapidly, the prevalence of degenerative diseases such as Glaucoma, Parkinson’s, and Multiple Sclerosis increases. Glaucoma alone affects 80 million individuals, and this number is projected to rise to 120 million by 2040. Aside from the impact on the well-being of those affected, these diseases also impose a financial burden of over $25 billion annually on global society.
Early detection of these diseases is crucial because they often develop asymptomatically while causing irreversible damage. However, current screening methods for these conditions are frequently time-consuming, invasive, or unreliable, placing a strain on healthcare systems.
Reyedar addresses this problem by combining eye tracking technology and Deep Learning to collect biomarkers of people’s visual and neurological health effortlessly. Eye movements are controlled by a complex network of ocular and brain structures. Subtle alterations in eye movement behavior can indicate the presence of underlying medical conditions.
That is why we truly believe that the eyes are the window to the brain.
How it works
Eye movement
We use AI-powered infrared eye tracking glasses to measure the movement of the eyes reacting to visual stimuli. The test is completely automatized, non-invasive, intuitive, and takes less than 5 minutes.

Data analysis
The collected eye movement data is analyzed by our patented algorithm based on signal processing and Deep Neural Networks. This algorithm translates complex eye tracking data into understandable clinical information.
Intuitive Reports
Easy to interpret reports with visual field sensitivity screening and a qualitative risk indication for neurovisual disorders. You will know instantly if further investigation is needed.
This new functional vision test is called SONDA, the Standardized Oculomotor
Neuro-ophthalmic Disorders Assessment.
Our customers
Optical Retails & Optometry Centers
Opticians and optometrists can play a fundamental role in eye care by offering comprehensive screening for eye diseases like Glaucoma. Empowering opticians and optometrists with the right tools to identify potential eye diseases will contribute to timely and accurate interventions, ultimately improving the quality of life of everyone affected.

Hospitals & Private Clinics
Current functional vision tests are complicated, time-consuming, and unreliable. With the aging population and the increasing number of cases of diseases like Glaucoma, testing time becomes a crucial factor. Reyedar aims to reduce the time needed to screen for functional vision problems such as visual field loss and oculomotor disorders. No calibration, complex instruction, or button pressing is needed. Ask your patient to sit back and relax for a few minutes; you take care of your patient, we take care of the rest.

(Clinical) Research Centers
Collecting eye movement data for clinical research poses several challenges: calibration is difficult, many patients struggle with staying still on a chinrest, and corrective lenses get in the way.
Reyedar offers a “plug&play” solution for every researcher that wants to streamline their eye tracking data collection and analysis: automatic calibration, virtual chinrest, custom corrective lenses, access to raw data, and integration with open access software libraries for experimental design.

Our setup
Lightweight glasses frames with eye tracking sensors, 64 corrective lenses with easy magnetic attachment, custom-made all-in-one PC with dedicated NVIDIA GPU, 27-inch monitor calibrated for luminance consistency, and Cloud software platform for wireless and remote operating.
User friendly
For both patient
and professional
Less than
5 minutes
In both initial- and
operational costs
> 7 years of scientific research within UMCG
Grillini et al. 2019

Want to learn more?
Feel free to share your contact details with us in order toe get in touch.